Toolkit to close the gap for fuzzy sphere numerics
FuzzifiED.jl is a Julia package designed to do exact diagonalisation (ED) calculation on the fuzzy sphere, and also facilitates the DMRG calculations by ITensors. It can also be used for generic fermionic and bosonic models. Using this package, you can reproduce almost all the results in fuzzy sphere works.
To install the package, please enter the commands in Julia :
using Pkg ; Pkg.add("FuzzifiED")
Find below some useful links :
Documentation : https://docs.fuzzified.world/ (Also contains an introduction for the fuzzy sphere and a collection of examples)
Documentation (PDF) : https://docs.fuzzified.world/assets/FuzzifiED_Documentation.pdf
Registry at JuliaHub : https://juliahub.com/ui/Packages/General/FuzzifiED
Source code : https://github.com/FuzzifiED/FuzzifiED.jl
If this package is helpful in your research, we would appreciate it if you mention in the acknowledgement. If you have any questions, please contact Zheng Zhou (周正) at physics@zhengzhou.page.